


Being parents, we need to make a lifelong decision to give the best possible, ongoing care and support to our children so that they can become happy, self-confident, mature and responsible young people, who have positive aims and make workable plans to achieve them. By providing the best opportunities we can possibly give them, children are most likely to become loving, caring, intelligent and hardworking citizens and parents themselves. 

Help your children to live the most balanced, happy, healthy and successful life they could ever dream of!


Find out what your child needs to exploit their full potential, to live the most balanced, happy, healthy and successful life they could ever dream of!

  1. Positive friendships
  2. Appropriate family conditions
  3. Ideal school and teachers
  4. Ideal tutors
  5. Love, security; appropriate quality and quantity of time spent with the child
  6. Positive expectations
  7. Appropriate communication: use constructive criticism, avoid destructive speech
  8. Well trained, passionate and empathetic teachers who use seasoned methods and approach in teaching 
  9. Plenty of scope in every way, an inspiring environment, varied and well balanced activities
  10. Regular active sport to support the development of mental-physical fitness and health


  1. Get trained
  2. Get personal advice

Have you got a question? We’re here to help. Submit a message and we’ll be in touch. 

To support our mission, please consider donating to our "Bible Land" and Paracletos Education Centre projects in Hungary.

In our vision, Bible Land will be a Biblical educational leisure center where everything is about God. Our goal is to build Biblical scenes where children can participate in interactive programs, either with their school community or with their parents. We want to create a Biblical adventure park within Bible Land where we make the stories of the Bible visible and tangible for children and adults, and help them get to know and learn to love God through discussions, prayer meetings, performances, drama play, concerts and other events. We want to help them develop a personal and lifelong relationship with God and to ensure that they will always enjoy coming back to Bible Land to recharge, to learn about God, and to grow spiritually in a living Christian community so that they can also pass on God’s love message to others.

Paracletos Education Centre Kft.

IBAN: HU64 1030 0002 1342 4211 0001 4902

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